See "NEXT" Folder
Add New Folder


(change these via Venue/Show Type in MENU tab)

Singers can see rotation:
(shows them the next three songs in the rotation - change this via Singers See Rotation in MENU tab)

Venue Login / Registration

This is where you can log in to upload an ad or view and edit your current ad rotation.

Use the top right Menu ≡ button to get around.

No account? Click to register!

Venue Registration

This sets up a Venue account, so you can upload ads that appear on singers' phones during song searches.

(this will be your username for logging in)

at least 8 characters, any combination of numbers, letters or symbols

(leave blank if the same as your Venue name)

(abbreviated or full)

(Must be a landline and the venue's phone number. We will call you to confirm you are authorised to upload ads for this venue.)

I have read and agree to the End User Licence Agreement here, and the Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy available via the menu: yes

I've forgotten my password

Click HERE to reset your password

Remember me

Forgotten your password?
Click HERE to reset it.

Welcome !

Use the top right Menu ≡ button to get around.

Account Details

Hitting the 'Update Details' button at the bottom after making any changes:

(your username)

(at least 8 characters, any combination of numbers, letters or symbols)

(abbreviated or full)

Upload New Ad

This is where you can upload a new ad.

Ads must be exactly 496 pixels wide by 240 pixels high, and can be in jpeg, gif, or png format.

To view your current ads or edit your ad rotation, select 'Ads and ad rotation' from the top right menu.

Ads and Ad Rotation

Here you can see all your ads, turn them on or off, edit their details, or delete them.

You can have up to 20 ads in your rotation. To upload a new ad, select 'Upload new ad' from the top right menu.

Each time a user searches for songs, an ad is diplayed from the following ad groups in this order: Venue (you), 3rd party, DJ, SongbookDB. So at a minimum, you'll have one ad displayed every four searches.


We reply to most support requests in 12-24 hours.

If you see this pay no attention to it or the following 4 that all end in _i
Second field for office processing

20 to 1000 characters, no urls please

If you see this pay no attention to it or the following 4 that all end in _i
Second field for office processing